mattel children's hospital ucla

Hospital Tour | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

Mattel commits $50 million to UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

Fetal Heart Screening | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

It Begins with U | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

UCLA Children's Discovery and Innovation Institute | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA - National Dance Day 2014

Mattel Brings PLAY to Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA | Mattel

Pediatric Surgery | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

Children's Discovery & Innovation Institute | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Halloween Parade at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

2015 Holiday Party at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Miles’ Story | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Charlie’s Story | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA Celebrates Child Life Month

Pediatric Victory Foundation : Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Mattel Party on the Pier 2015 | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Patrick’s Story | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

UCLA Kid Captain Abby | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Mattel Party on the Pier 2019 | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

Kid Captain ReyRey | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

UCLA Kid Captain Casey R. | Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA

Preparing for Your Surgery at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

Kid Captain Zachary | UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital

The Shadowboxers Visits UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital